bring up kubernetes GPU cluster with vSphere

This page is to help you bring up a kubernetes cluster with GPU capability on top of vsphere, so that you could easily deploy machine learning workloads on the cluster,
two conditions need been satisfied before we move forward:

  1. Physical server with supported NVIDIA GPU installed (AMD can be supported also, but let target NVIDIA on this page)
  2. vSphere (6.5 / 6.7) image ready to install


Here are the detail steps:

  1. Install ESX on host, and install vCenter

  2. Enable GPU directpath I/O on host through vCenter/host client:

  3. Create VM (ubuntu 16.04) and attach GPU device to it (you will have to reserve all VM memory)

  4. Inside VM: Install GPU driver, install docker, and install nvidia container runtime
    Get the latest version of driver from nvidia and install it:
    verify driver version with command: nvidia-smi

    install docker
    Verify docker version with command: docker version

    install nvidia container runtime with command:
    apt-get install -y nvidia-docker2=2.0.2+docker1.13.1-1 nvidia-container-runtime=1.1.1+docker1.13.1-1

    Configure docker default runtime to nvidia:
    vi /etc/docker/daemon.json, make sure it looks like this:

          "default-runtime": "nvidia",  
          "runtimes": {   
              "nvidia": {   
                  "path": "/usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime",  
                  "runtimeArgs": []   

    Restart docker:
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl restart docker

    Verify tensorflow container can run successfully before kubernetes involved:
    (use the appropriate image from
    docker run --runtime=nvidia -it python -c 'import tensorflow'

  5. Create kubernetes cluster:
    I am using kubeadm and flannel to setup a cluster with one master and 2 worker nodes.
    you could bring up the cluster by other method, it does not matter much, make sure
    all nodes are ready:
    kubectl get nodes

    Once we get cluster running, it is time to deploy nvidia device plugin:
    kubectl create -f
    kubectl get pods -n kube-system

    with plugin installed, we should verify GPU been exposed to cluster:
    kubectl describe node $node_name | egrep 'Capacity|Allocatable|gpu'


    With this, the k8s cluster is ready to run machine learning workloads.

  6. Build and package the workload through docker commands.
    Then create a yaml file for the deployment:

      limits: 2 # requesting 2 GPU
  7. Just deploy the pod or service and check the logs