A full screen, colored weather dashboard for waveshare 7.5 inch 800x480 v2 color e-paper display.
For more information about the display check out the manual
Modify the included config.json.dist file and save it as config.json.
I use cronjobs to clear the screen at 2am, and update every 15 minutes from 6am to 2am the next day. It is important to leave the screen in sleep mode for a long period of time to preserve its longevity.
- To update the weather:
*/15 4-23 * * * python3 /home/figyl/waveshare-epd-weather-dashboard/weather.py >/dev/null 2>&1
- To clear the screen at night:
0 0 * * * python3 /home/figyl/waveshare-epd-weather-dashboard/clean.py >/dev/null 2>&1
Please note that it is most likely that your system uses UTC time, set your cronjobs accordingly. If you made improvements feel free to do a pull request.