
Client-side of the HPC DataStore project - Cpp API

Primary LanguageC++

HPC Datastore C++

This project is up to date with HPC Datastore server 1.7.0.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

This project is header-only C++ library providing basic communication with HPC Datastore server.

It uses Poco C++ library library at the backend to send and recieve HTTP messages and to parse JSON-style data. It also uses FMT to make string formatting easier (will be replaced with std::format, when GCC provides support). At last, this library uses I3D library for image representation.

As a result, this projects acts like a wrapper around above mentioned libraries and provides functions to read/write block or images from/to datastore server.

2 Instalation

2.1 Requirements

I recommend using vcpkg to fetch necessary dependencies painlessly (all samples are written with vcpkg in mind).

2.1.1 I3Dlib

However, as the i3dlib is not available from vcpkg repositories, you will have to download, build and install library from official website. For this particular project, i3dcore part of the library is sufficient for most of the functionality, though you may want to customize used image compression libraries to enable/disable certain image formats. The i3dalgo is used only for write_with_pyramids (function is templated, so if you will not use it, it will compile fine even without i3dalgo). (If you do not want mess with anything, simple make build and sudo make install should be enough, assuming all neccessary dependencies are installed on your system).

2.1.2 VCPKG

Please follow instructions on installation at the official website.

2.1.3 FMT

FMT is available from vcpkg repositories and does not have much customizations. Therefore, if you will not use vcpkg, just make sure that fmt::format(...) is available from <fmt/core.h> header.

2.1.4 Poco

Poco is quite huge and provides lot of different functionality. As well as fmt, Poco is obtainable from vcpkg repositories. If you will not use vcpkg, make sure that parts Poco::Net and Poco::JSON are available.

2.2 Inclusion to your project

As this library is header-only, the only thing you need is to copy content of src directory inside your project and #include it.

2.3 Compile settings

Of course, you can disable some unwanted features using compile macros.

Available macros:

  • DATASTORE_NDEBUG (also enabled by NDEBUG)

Disables boundary and consistency checks and disables messages.


Disables all messages


Disables info messages


Disables warning messages

See samples for an example.

3 Documentation

The documentation can be viewed directly in the source code, most importantly in hpc_ds_api.hpp. There is also doxygen-generated documentation available in html and pdf.

4 Usage

The only necessary file to include is hpc_ds_api.hpp.

From that, you will obtain namespace datastore, where all functionality is provided. It is recommended you do not use anything outside of root of this namespace. Functions located in datastore::details are used for internal functionality.

There are 3 categories of provided api

4.1 Global (datastore::) scope

Provides read_image and write_image functions as well as get_dataset_properties to obtain dataset properties from the server.

4.2 Connection class

Use this, if you want to connect to different images from one dataset. This class will remember the dataset address and you will not have to write it all over again.

4.3 ImageView class

Use this, if you want to connect to one specified image (and use several read/write operations on it). This class will remember the image and you will not have to write it all over again.

4.4 Supported features

Limited support for image types comes from i3d library. This project does not put any restriction on used type (apart from voxel type, which has to be scalar). If you download new version of i3dlib in the future, this code will adapt itself accordingly, so there is no need for changing anything and you can use new functionality.

To this date, only three types of image are fully supported:

  • uint8_t (i3d::GRAY8)
  • uint16_t (i3d::GRAY16)
  • float

There is a chance, that some of other types might work as well, but with limited functionality (i. e. it depends what template do you instantiate). The unsupported fromat will show itself as undefined reference to some internal function.

There is also limitation on sampling algorithm using when uploading with pyramids. Currently, only nearest neighbour is implemented in i3dlib. We hope, that one day, this will improve.

5 Samples

There exist few samples, that can be used to check, if project is compilable, and to quick start your datastore journey.

All samples are located in samples folder and organized in subdirectories.

For samples to work properly, you will have to have connection to HPC datastore server (It is possible to run it locally on your PC). It is also recommended to create testing dataset, so you will not accidentaly overwrite important data.

Do not forget to write your server IP, PORT, dataset uuid and other properties to samples/common.hpp, where all the sample projects will find it.

5.1 Building sample(s)

Text bellow assumes you are using vcpkg.

You can either build all samples at once, are build them separately.

To build all samples, locate yourself inside samples. To build one sample, locate yourself into appropriate subdirectory. All other instructions are the same.

  1. Create build folder (e.g. mkdir build)
  2. Enter build folder (e.g. cd build)
  3. Initialize cmake (e.g. cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<vcpkg_dir>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake ../)
  4. Build project (e.g. make)

After that, all compiled binaries will be located inside build folder.

Note, that initialization of vcpkg for first time can take some time.

6 Tests

Tests samples are divided into two parts: Unit tests and Speed tests.

For all tests to work properly, you will have to have connection to HPC datastore server (It is possible to run it locally on your PC). It is also recommended to create testing dataset, sou you will not accidentaly overwrite important data.

Do not forget to write your IP, PORT, dataset uuid and other properties to tests/common.hpp, where all the tests will find it.

6.1 Unit tests

These tests are located in tests/units/ and are created to ensure, that everything is working as expected.

6.2 Speed tests

These tests are located in tests/speeds/ and are created to measure the speed at which you are able to communicate with server. There exists 4 different tests:

  • Image download
  • Image upload
  • Block download
  • Block upload

The size of the sample to test is equal to the size of image specified in tests/common.hpp on the server.

6.3 Building tests

Text bellow assumes you are using vcpkg.

To build the tests, locate yourself into corresponding subfolder (units or speeds).

  1. Create build folder (e.g. mkdir build)
  2. Enter build folder (e.g. cd build)
  3. Initialize cmake (e.g. cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<vcpkg_dir>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake ../)
  4. Build project (e.g. make)

After that, all compiled binaries will be located inside build folder.