
PHP Telnet Client (shell) supporting scripting, multi protocols and encrypted connections.

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Telnet Client

Simple PHP Telnet Client. Supports any socket/stream protocols that PHP supports including encrypted connections.


  • Telnet via tcp and any other protocol supported by PHP
  • Encrypted protocols, eg: ssl, tls, sslv3, sslv2
  • Scriptable input. Execute your input via shell or PHP interpreter

Example HTTP Request

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Example Sending Email via SMTP

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Copy telnet.php to your local machine.

git clone https://github.com/fijiwebdesign/php-telnet/
cd php-telnet/


Open your command line client/shell/terminal etc.

php telnet.php host port


php telnet.php google.com 80

Example using ssl to connect to an encrypted IMAP server

php telnet.php imap.gmail.com 993 ssl

The telnet program supports any of the protocols that php sockets supports. This depeds on your PHP install but is normally: tcp, udp, ssl, sslv3, sslv2, tls

Example connecting to local http server and executing input via shell

php telnet.php localhost 80 tcp shell
cat http.txt

This is equivalent to cat http.txt | php telnet.php localhost 80 tcp


You'll need PHP with sockets support


Based initially on the python example from http://www.binarytides.com/code-telnet-client-sockets-python with additions to support encryption and other tcp based protocols.