
Unofficial Python API for the Adobe Kuler service (kuler.adobe.com)

Primary LanguagePython

#Help on module kuler:

###NAME kuler - Unofficial API for Adobe Kuler service (kuler.adobe.com).

###FILE /Users/krikava/Documents/Projects/pykuler/src/kuler.py

###DESCRIPTION Sample example that prints out TOP 10 themes sorted by raiting (default)

k = Kuler(apiKey)
for (i, theme) in enumerate(k.list(maxItems=10)):
    print '%d. %s' % (i, theme)

More information: http://learn.adobe.com/wiki/display/kulerdev/B.+Feeds

###CLASSES Color Kuler Theme

 class Color
 |  Class wrapping an RGB color
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, r, g, b)
 |  __str__(self)
 |  asRGB(self)
 |  asRGB16(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Class methods defined here:
 |  fromHexRGB(cls, hexrgb) from __builtin__.classobj
 |      Factory method that creates a Color instance from HTML like color string
 |      #rrggbb with 8 or 16 bit.
 |  fromRGB(cls, r, g, b) from __builtin__.classobj

class Kuler
 |  Facade of the Kuler API
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, apiKey)
 |      apiKey: Mandatory. API key obtained from the Kuler service. (You can
 |      get it from http://kuler.adobe.com/api)
 |  list(self, listType='raiting', startIndex=0, itemsPerPage=20, timeSpan=0, maxItems=100)
 |      Returns a generator of themes from a feeds of a specified type. 
 |      listType: Optional. One of the strings recent (the default), popular,
 |      rating, or random.
 |      startIndex: Optional. A 0-based index into the list that specifies the
 |      first item to display. Default is 0, which displays the first item in
 |      the list.
 |      itemsPerPage: Optional. The maximum number of items to display on a
 |      page, in the range 1..100. Default is 20.
 |      timeSpan: Optional. Value in days to limit the set of themes retrieved.
 |      Default is 0, which retrieves all themes without time limit.  
 |      maxItems: Optional. The number of items returned at most.
 |  search(self, themeID=None, userID=None, email=None, tag=None, hex=None, title=None, startIndex=0, itemsPerPage=20, maxItems=100)
 |      Returns a generator of themes from a feeds that meet specified search criteria.
 |      Caller needs to specify one of the following parameter:
 |      themeID: search on a specific themeID
 |      userID: search on a specific userID
 |      email: search on a specific email
 |      tag: search on a tag word
 |      hex: search on a hex color value (can be in the format "ABCDEF" or "0xABCDEF")
 |      title: search on a theme title
 |      startIndex: Optional. A 0-based index into the list that specifies the
 |      first item to display. Default is 0, which displays the first item in
 |      the list.
 |      itemsPerPage: Optional. The maximum number of items to display on a
 |      page, in the range 1..100. Default is 20.
 |      maxItems: Optional. The number of items returned at most.

class Theme
 |  Class wrapping a Kuler theme.
 |  Properties:
 |  title: theme title name
 |  themeId: theme ID
 |  colors: a tuple of Color instances in defined in the theme
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __getitem__(self, index)
 |  __init__(self, themeID, title, colors)
 |      colors: Mandatory. Parameter that is an iterable object containing Color instances.
 |  __iter__(self)
 |  __len__(self)
 |  __str__(self)
 |  items(self)

###FUNCTIONS main() Sample example