
Staged Abstract Interpreters

Primary LanguageScala

Staged Program Analyzers

Improving the performance of static analysis by meta-programming/multi-stage programming.


  • dev-clean Current development using a new version of LMS
  • dev-obsolete Outdated development using virtualization-lms-core
  • oopsla19-code The artifact of the OOPSLA '19 submission
  • pldi19-code The code for the PLDI '18 submission (obsoleted)

Other Modules

  • lms-clean The new version of LMS library
  • abscomp-racket Abstract Compilation (CC '96) implemented in Racket
  • immer An immutable data structures library for C++


  • Compiling Symbolic Execution with Staging and Algebraic Effect
    Guannan Wei, Oliver Bračevac, Shangyin Tan, Tiark Rompf
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 4 (OOPSLA 2020). Online
    PDF (ACM DL)

  • Staged Abstract Interpreters: Fast and Modular Whole-Program Analysis via Meta-Programming
    Guannan Wei, Yuxuan Chen, Tiark Rompf
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 3 (OOPSLA 2019). Athens, Greece
    PDF (ACM DL)