
Add new company: [Blizzard]

LarsDu opened this issue · 0 comments

Not quite a "pivot" as this company never stepped away from making games, but Blizzard did make one very important decision in its early days

Company Name?
Blizzard (originally Silicon and Synapse)

What's the company main business today?
Video and computer games based on original IP.

What did the company do in the early days?
Videogames based on licensed IP.

What caused the company to pivot?
In the early 90s, the company made the console games "Death and Return of Superman" and "Justice League Task Force" for the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis based on DC Comics characters. The licensing deal was so onerous, that the company decided that for its next two projects, rather than license IP for the tabletop "Warhammer" and "Warhammer 40k" games from Games Workshop, they would make their own fantasy worlds "Warcraft" and "Starcraft"
