
aws redshift adapter for rails 3 -- ripped from postgresql adapter -- barely tested

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


adapter for aws redshift for rails 3

Ripped from rails 3 postgresql.

example database.yml

common: &common
  adapter: postgresql
  username: postgres
  encoding: SQL_ASCII
  template: template0
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5000

redshiftdb: &redshiftdb
  adapter: redshift
  host: clustername.something.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com
  database: databasename
  port: 5439
  username: username
  password: password

  <<: *common
  <<: *redshiftdb
  database: databasename


    <td>set schema_search_path. use default value if not given.</td>
    <td>force timezone for datetime when select values. ActiveRecord default timezone will set if not given.</td>

Have you considered using Partitioned gem? It works with redshift!



Helpful code to clone redshift tables

create table foos
  id int not null primary key distkey,
   name varchar(255) unique sortkey
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base

require 'activerecord_redshift_adapter'

table_manager = ActiverecordRedshift::TableManager.new(Foo.connection, :exemplar_table_name => Foo.table_name)


  select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = 'public' limit 1;

  select oid,reldiststyle from pg_class where relnamespace = 2200 and relname = 'foos' limit 1;

  select contype,conkey from pg_constraint where connamespace = 2200 and conrelid = 212591;

  select attname,attnum from pg_attribute where attrelid = 212591 and attnum in (2,1);

  show search_path;

  set search_path = 'public';

  select * from pg_table_def where tablename = 'foos' and schemaname = 'public';

  create temporary table temporary_events_25343
   id integer not null distkey,
   name character varying(255),
   primary key (id),
   unique (name)
  ) sortkey (name);

  set search_path = '$user','public';