Test for TryCatch

This is a Rails 4 app, running with SQLite3 database.

How to run this application

  1. Clone this repositiory
git clone https://github.com/filabreu/trycatch_test.git
  1. Go into application folder and install all gems dependencies
cd trycatch_test
bundle install
  1. Create the database schema
rake db:create && rake db:migrate
  1. Check if all tests are running properly
  1. Load seed data
rake db:seed
  1. Now access the application API


All APIs must use Basic HTTP authentication

  1. For admin user
username: 'admin', password: 'password'
  1. For default user
username: 'user', password: 'password'
  1. For guest user
username: 'guest', password: 'password'

Application APIs


GET /foos

List all Foo records

GET /foo/:id

Show a specific Foo record

POST /foos

Create a Foo record

{ foo: { title: <string> }}
PUT /foos/:id

Update a Foo record

{ foo: { title: <string> }}
DELETE /foos/:id

Destroy a Foo record


GET /foos/:foo_id/bars

List all Bar records for a Foo record

GET /foos/:foo_id/bars/:id

Show a Bar record for a Foo record

POST /foos/:foo_id/bars

Create a Bar record for a Foo record

{ bar: { title: <string> }}
PUT /foo/:foo_id/bars/:id

Update a Bar record for a Foo record

{ bar: { title: <string> }}
DELETE /foo/:foo_id/bars/:id

Destroy a Bar record for a Foo record