
Filecoin Community Roadmap

MIT LicenseMIT

Filecoin Community Roadmap

This repo is designed as a collaborative space to create, track, and update a community roadmap for the Filecoin project.

About the Roadmap

This is a high-level roadmap (at zoom levels 3 and 4): CleanShot 2023-09-27 at 01 31 23@2x

It includes top-level milestones across many aspects of the Filecoin protocol, tooling ecosystem, and network capabilities - focused on how they benefit and unlock notable added capabilities of Filecoin.

It is generated by creating different github issues (across multiple projects/repos) for each major milestone, improvement category, and roadmap "root" - and visualizing them via starmap.site/ (ex #1)

About Starmap

You can learn more about how to create a new Starmap at https://starmap.site/. We are using the new tasklist syntax.

You can see some reference starmaps at: