
Meta info about the developer-focused Hyperspace testnet for Filecoin developers

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hyperspace Testnet

⚠️ The Hyperspace Testnet has been discontinued as of May 31, 2023. ⚠️

Please use the Calibration testnet.

Meta info about the Hyperspace testnet for Filecoin developers




The Filecoin Hyperspace testnet is a stable testnet with fewer resets intended for developers' longer-term testing efforts.

  • As of Jan 16, Hyperspace will support the penultimate FEVM release, and will be upgraded to the the final FEVM release on Feb 2. (List of FEVM releases)
  • Hyperspace supports 512 MiB, 32 GiB, and 64 GiB storage sectors with 2 miners auto-accepting new deals from developers (see Resources - Hyperspace Storage Providers below).
  • A comparison of Filecoin's various testnets is available in FIP #544.



  1. Add the Hyperspace testnet to your wallet (e.g. MetaMask).
  2. Create a new account in MetaMask to use with Filecoin.
  3. Use https://hyperspace.yoga/#faucet to request funds to your Ethereum address (it will be converted behind the scenes to a Filecoin f4 address)
  4. Follow the transaction in one of the recommended Hyperspace testnet explorers:
  5. Your account is now funded and can be used in Ethereum tools such as Hardhat, Foundry, Remix, etc.

Technical details

Maintainer: offline, unmaintained


  • CAR File: Qmbu9g75GMjbokCNHPQPXAyKZoY8NqVYtkY4PQT7Zvp2T6
  • Reset Timestamp: 2023-01-16T6:00:00Z
  • Genesis Block CID: bafy2bzacebqfpeylmrl4h3pq4ofbdj2bfbw2i45fuy6qm4wxcyebpsxhrpqhu
  • sha1 Digest: 52d82b6fcad138a726477152ff2543a91f2b83f8

Network parameters:

  • Supported Sector Sizes: 512 MiB and 32 GiB and 64 GiB
  • Consensus Miner Min Power: 16 GiB
  • Epoch Duration Seconds: 30
  • Expected Leaders per Epoch: 5
  • WindowPoSt Proving Period: 2880
  • WindowPoSt Challenge Window: 60
  • WindowPoSt Period Deadlines: 48
  • Pre-Commit Challenge Delay: 10

Bootstrap peers:

FVM release:
