- 2-4601TriOptimum
- AksRustagi
- Aoseala
- cnhup
- ElSeidyAlliance
- eshonProtocol Labs
- Fatman13China
- flyingzumwaltProtocol Labs
- fridrik01Iceland
- geekwho-ethChina
- hannahhowardLogical Reality Design
- HostFatItaly
- jbenetProtocol Labs
- jesseclay@protocol @filecoin-project @ipfs
- jhcloos
- jimpickHex.Camp
- jzimmerman
- kissthinkkissthink
- llgoerEarth
- michaelavila
- nicolaMIT/Berkman Center
- scotthconnerAustin, TX
- sfjamrockPlexUnits Inc.
- sheluchinHamilton, Ontario
- stigkj@finn-no
- stonegaoInnovation Works
- strategist922Microsoft
- taylorshuang
- warpfork@warptools
- WorkTimer
- xteaPlamStreet
- xuzhe35
- yi-yuan
- zebul
- zhiqiangxuused to be qtt, now onchain