
WebOptimizer browser extension. Unlock restrictions, protect your privacy, remove annoying elements, auto clicks, and replace disliked words.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

English | 简体中文 | 繁體中文 | 한국어 | Hindi | Arabic | Français | Русский | Latin | 日本語| Italian | Deutsch | Español | svenska



WebOptimizer browser extension.

Unlock restrictions, protect your privacy, remove annoying elements, auto clicks, and replace disliked words.

Web Store

WebOptimizer Firefox Firefox:


WebOptimizer Chrome Chrome:


WebOptimizer Edge Edge:



Auto click elements from web pages

(Such as expander, close .....)

Replace disliked words from web pages

Unlock text select restriction

Unlock copy restriction

Unlock context menu

Remove anti ad blocker layer


Block notification


Prevent WebRTC IP leaks

(WebRTC will leak your real IP address even if you are using a proxy or VPN.)

Prevent visibility detection

(Websites can track your visibility. For instance, they may make you watch Ads for 60 seconds before allowing you to view the video. If you minimize your browser or switch to a different tab, the website can detect it and pause the countdown. (This feature probability won't work.))

Enable do not track

(Tell websites not to track you. (it still can))

Disable third party cookies

(A third-party cookie is placed on a website by someone other than the owner (a third party) and collects user data for the third party. As with standard cookies, third-party cookies are placed so that a site can remember something about the user at a later time. Third-party cookies, however, are often set by advertising networks that a site may subscribe to in the hopes of driving up sales or page hits.)

Disable leave site alert

Block Notifycation








Language @
English @filecxx
简体中文 @filecxx
日本語 @filecxx
한국인 @filecxx
Deutsch @filecxx
español @filecxx
Français @filecxx
Русский @filecxx

Language files: https://github.com/filecxx/WebOptimizer/tree/master/chrome/_locales

Feature request && Contribution

There's no need to create a new browser extension based on this project.

If you have a feature request, simply post an issue.

Additionally, you can push your code into this repository, and it will be merged into the main branch.