
A start-kit for who want write library by typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A start-kit for who want write library by typescript.

Including tslint, mocah test, semantic-release

Before use

Change info in package.json

  • name

    used for webpack lib name(PascalCase) too, you can edit libraryName at src/webpackConfig/commonConfig.ts if you want different global variable name

  • repository
  • author
  • license
  • ...others


Most time, you only need npm run release after each commit.

Be ware release default is dry-mode, use npm run release -- --noCi if you really want release at local machine.

  • release: use semantic-release, suggest take a look with it's document, speciality commit-analyzer for commit rule, you can custom release config in package.json
  • clean
  • tsc
  • test
  • lint
  • pack
  • build
  • build:dev