
Security Graph - Asset Inventory API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Security Graph - Asset Inventory API

Security Graph

Security Graph is a data architecture that provides real-time views of assets and their relationships. Assets to be considered include software, cloud resources and, in general, any piece of information that a security team needs to protect.

Security Graph not only stores the catalog of active assets and the assets assigned to teams. It also keeps a historical log of the multidimensional relationships among these assets, including their attributes relevant to security.

Asset Inventory API

Asset Inventory API is the layer responsible for storing assets and receiving updates from "recon" services. Assets are persisted on the graph.

This layer hides the low-level details of the graph and implements the graph queries. Clients can then save and extract inventory data through this common interface without extra knowledge of vertices or edges.


Local development environment

A local development environment is provided via docker-compose. You can launch it using the /script/local script:


This will expose two ports:

  • 8000: Asset Inventory API
  • 8888: Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook can be accessed via:


The required token can be obtained from the docker-compose logs or executing:

docker exec graph-asset-inventory-api-local_graph-notebook_1 jupyter notebook list

The local development environmet supports hot realoading. This means that you can modify the code of the service and the changes will be automatically reloaded without relaunching the environment.

Test suite

Tests are run inside Docker via docker-compose. You can run the test suite using the /script/test script:


The command line arguments passed to this script are passed to pytest. For instance, you can run a specific test with:

script/test tests/test_foo.py::test_foo

A test coverage report can be generated with the flag --cov:

script/test --cov


Similar to the local development environment and the test suite, linters are also run inside Docker via docker-compose. You can run the linters using the /script/lint script:


This script will run both flake8 and pylint against the graph_asset_inventory_api module and the test suite.


In general, you will want to start by creating a Python virtual environment and installing the benchmark dependencies.

For instance,

mkdir -p ~/venv
python3 -m venv ~/venv/graph-asset-inventory-api
. ~/venv/graph-asset-inventory-api/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/requirements-bench.txt

After that, you can run the benchmark. Refer to the specific benchmark help and documentation for more details about how to run it.

For instance,

./benches/recon_simulator.py -r 1 -a 20,1000 | \
  ./benches/assets_bulk_loader.py http://localhost:8000

Remote Gremlin servers

Both the test suite and the local development environment can be connected to a remote Gremlin server. For instance, an AWS Neptune cluster. In order to do so, the following environment variables must be set when calling script/local or script/test:

  • GREMLIN_ENDPOINT: URL pointing to the target Gremlin server. For example, wss://example.cluster.eu-west-1.neptune.amazonaws.com:8182/gremlin.
  • GREMLIN_AUTH_MODE: Gremlin authentication mode. For example, neptune_iam.
  • DOCKER_EXTRA_HOST: Docker's extra hosts configuration. This is required, for instance, if the remote server is accessed via port-forwarding from the host. For example, example.cluster.eu-west-1.neptune.amazonaws.com:host-gateway.

In the case of an IAM authenticated Neptune cluster, the following AWS environment variables are also required:


Environment Variables

These are the required environment variables:

Variable Description Example
FLASK_ENV Environment. The value development enables debug. Default: production development
PORT Listening port of the API. 8000
WEB_CONCURRENCY Number of gunicorn workers. 4
GREMLIN_ENDPOINT Gremlin server endpoint. wss://neptune-endpoint:8182/gremlin
GREMLIN_AUTH_MODE Gremlin authentication mode. neptune_iam and none are the only valid values. Default: none neptune_iam

The directory /env in this repository contains some example configurations.


This project is in an early stage, we are not accepting external contributions yet.

To contribute, please read the contribution guidelines in CONTRIBUTING.md.