
This repository contains a Dockerfile that creates a Docker image with GNSS-SDR and its dependencies

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This repository contains a Dockerfile that creates a Docker image with GNSS-SDR and its dependencies installed via .deb packages. This includes GNU Radio and drivers for a wide range of RF front-ends through UHD, gr-osmosdr and gr-iio.

This image uses baseimage-docker, a special Docker image that is configured for correct use within Docker containers. It is Ubuntu, plus:

  • Modifications for Docker-friendliness.
  • Administration tools that are especially useful in the context of Docker.
  • Mechanisms for easily running multiple processes, without violating the Docker philosophy.
  • It only consumes 9 MB of RAM.

The startGNSS.sh script allows us to automate the start of GNSS SDR inside the container by :

  • Creating the gps.conf file required for the use of an HackRF One
  • Filling it with the parameters required
  • Executing GNSS SDR with this configuration file Thus, when we start the container, GNSS SDR is started immediately afterwards.

Create a cross-plateform image

We use this repository to create a cross-plateform image of GNSS-SDR for ARM architecture. This is the procedure followed on a x86 architecture :

  $ git clone https://github.com/ISEN-Cyber/FakeMyAs.git
  $ cd docker-gnsssdr
  $ docker buildx create --name newbuilder
  $ docker buildx use newbuilder
  $ docker buildx build --platform Linux/arm/v7 -t therese2b/gnss:latest --push .

The created image is for the Linux/arm/v7 plateform. We use it for our project and it is available on the therese2b docker hub. You can put your own docker hub name to push the image on it.

Pull docker image on Raspberry Pi


$ docker pull therese2b/gnss:latest

If you change the name of the docker hub, then replace docker pull therese2b/gnss:latest by docker pull dockerHubName/repositoryName:version

Run with access to a folder in the host machine

Within the scope of our project, we need to use a USB port for the HackRF One and to share, in a volume located on the Raspberry Pi, the output files generated during the GNSS SDR execution. We did that by running the container as:

$ docker run -it --device=/dev/bus/usb -v data-gpx:/home 7bf344c4f234

7bf344c4f234 is the id of the image previously created. The -v option will mount the /data-gpx folder in the host machine on the /home folder inside the container, with read and write permissions.