
Simple demo of Rails ActionCable

Primary LanguageRuby

Simple demo of Rails 5 ActionCable based on Pluralsight tutorial

Brief flow of the application:

  1. Visiting / of the app causes rendering of the messages stored in the db using _message partial
  2. cable.js instantiates consumer websocket api and stores it in App.cable
  3. room.coffee creates subscription to the RoomChannel websocket channel
  4. It also creates handler for sending new messages which triggers this.perform sending speak message with the content
  5. Upon receiving speak message, server creates Message entity in the database with appended content
  6. after_create_commit on Message model enqueues a MessageBroadcastJob
  7. Upon performing the job, it broadcasts the received message, using _message partial, to the room_channel
  8. room.coffee code handles the received data by invoking received handler and appending the message to the DOM