Code for the First Project of IART. Thematic 3 - Optimization Problem - City Plan.

## Project Infos
* Date: 3nd Year, 2st Semester, 2019/2020
* Course: Inteligência Artificial (IART) | Artificial Intelligence
* Course Link: https://sigarra.up.pt/feup/pt/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=272743

## Made by
Filipa Senra
Andreia Barreto
Cláudia Martins

## Execution

    Main HillClimbing <inputFile> <nRepeat>
    Main SimulatedAnnealing <inputFile> <nRepeat> <T> <alpha>
    Main TabuSearch <inputFile> <nRepeat> <T> <alpha> [<is_tabu_search_random>]
    Main Genetic <inputFile> <nRepeat> <size_population> <percentage_to_keep> <percentage_to_mate> <percentage_to_mutate>
    Main <inputFile> <nRepeat> <size_population> <percentage_to_keep> <percentage_to_mate> <percentage_to_mutate> <T> <Tmin> <alpha>
### Results

In html file results.html (include the style.css file in the same directory).

## Disclaimer
This repository corresponds to school projects from the respective COURSE. The code on this repo is intended for educational purposes. I do not take any responsibility, liability or whateverity over any code faults, inconsistency or anything else. If you intend on copying most or parts of the code for your school projects, keep in mind that this repo is public, and that your professor might search the web for similar project solutions or whatnot and choose to fail you for copying.