
A dark Vim/Neovim colour scheme for the GUI and 16/256/true-color terminals.

Primary LanguageVim scriptMIT LicenseMIT


springan.vim colours

A dark Vim/Neovim colour scheme for the GUI and 16/256/true-color terminals.

Colour reference

springan.vim colours

Colour Normal Bright
Black #1E1F21 (color0) #303436 (color8)
Red #C16A6D (color1) #C97E80 (color9)
Green #8AB97B (color2) #A1C794 (color10)
Yellow #C9C76B (color3) #D3D175 (color11)
Blue #7B82B9 (color4) #949AC7 (color12)
Magenta #B17ABA (color5) #C193C8 (color13)
Cyan #7BB0B9 (color6) #94BFC7 (color14)
White #D3D0CB (color7) #E7E5DF (color15)


  1. Install the theme using your Vim plug-in manager of choice (or manually, by placing colors/springan.vim in your ~/.vim/colors/ directory (or ~/.config/nvim/colors/, for Neovim).

Or use a plugin manager to install it, such as vim-plug. For example, for vim-plug, add this in your .vimrc or init.nvim, then run :PlugInstall:

  Plug 'filipdutescu/springan.vim'
  1. Add the following to your ~/.vimrc (below any lines you may have added in step 1):
  syntax on
  colorscheme springan
  1. Installing the sheerun/vim-polyglot plug-in is recommended for improved syntax highlighting for various languages, but is not required.


  • nuaNce (@co1ncidence) - used his setup and functions for setting the colours