
A file parser

Primary LanguageC


A file parser.

🧐 About

This program takes a given file with extension .rt:

A 0.2 255,255,255

C -50,0,20 0,0,0 70

L -40,0,30 0.7 255,255,255
L -40,0,30 0.7 255,255,255
L -40,0,30 0.7 255,255,255

pl 0,0,0 0,1.0,0 255,0,225
sp 0,0,20 20 255,0,255
cy 50.0,0.0,20.6 0,0,1.0 14.2 21.42 10,0,255

and parses it into a C struct.:

typedef struct s_scene_light_param
	double                        	*l_light_point;
	double                        	l_britghness;
	double                        	*l_color;
	struct s_scene_light_param    	*next;
}	t_scene_light_param;

typedef struct s_scene_object_param
	char                          	*identifier;
	double                        	*cordinates;
	double                        	*color;
	double                        	*orientation_vector;
	double                        	diameter;
	double                        	height;
	struct s_scene_object_param   	*next;
}	t_scene_object_param;

typedef struct s_parameters
	double				a_lighting;
	double				a_color;
	double				*c_view_point;
	double				*c_orientation_vector;
	double				c_fov;
	t_scene_object_param		*object_head;
	t_scene_light_param		*light_head;
}	t_parameters;

This project is part of 42 École/ 42 SP curriculum.

🏫 42 École | 42 São Paulo

42 École is a network of tech schools spread around the world where anyone can learn how to code for free.
At 42 there are no teachers or classrooms, each student learns from and works with each other (peer-to-peer learning).
To see more go to https://www.42.fr/ and https://www.42sp.org.br/.