
Referências sobre Inteligência Artificial

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  • Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030: : "The One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence, launched in the fall of 2014, is a longterm investigation of the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its influences on people, their communities, and society."

Introdução: Inteligência Artificial

Arquitetura de Agentes Inteligentes

Resolução de Problemas por meio de Busca

Busca Não-informada

Busca em Largura

Busca em Profundidade

Busca de Custo Uniforme

Busca Informada ou Heurística

  • [TODO] Wikipedia dos Patinhos de Borracha

Busca Gulosa do Melhor Primeiro

Busca A*

Raciocínio e Representação do Conhecimento

Sistemas Multiagentes

Backlog de Links para processar

Sistemas Evolutivos

This game is connected to the world, all players are sharing their best cars each game round. Only the dominant cars win. The TOP car from each player in the world is added to your car list each game cycle. This car is therefore added to your gene pool and is then genetically spliced and paired with your other cars.

The program uses a simple genetic algorithm to evolve random two-wheeled shapes into cars over generations. Loosely based on BoxCar2D, but written from scratch, only using the same physics engine ( box2d). seedrandom.js written by David Bau. (thanks!) Save Population Saves current population locally. Restore Saved Population Restore a previously saved population.

Use joints, bones and muscles to build creatures that are only limited by your imagination. Watch how the combination of a neural network and a genetic algorithm can enable your creatures to "learn" and improve at their given tasks all on their own. The tasks include running, jumping and climbing.
