ConversionFactory is a library that facilitates the conversion of multiple files with multiple converters. With ConversionFactory you can select several input files, even of different types and define different converters with their appropriate settings, in addition to being able to select the file storage location generally or individually for each file and converter. You may be wondering how a converter will be able to convert file types other than what it accepts. Each converter will only convert supported files, others will be ignored.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'conversion_factory'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install conversion_factory
Using ConversionFactory is quite simple. Basically an instance of the ConversionFactory is created passing a list of files to be converted and a list of converters.
converter =
conversion_factory = [{ file: '/path/to/file' }],
performers: [{ converter: converter }])
Converters must follow an interface expected by the ConversionFactory, as mentioned later. You can create your own converter or use an available one.
Arguments expected by
Argument | Description | Required | Accepted types |
input_files | List of files to be converted with their arguments | false | Array |
performers | List of converters with their arguments | false | Array |
output_path | Default output path. When not defined, the temporary path will be set to default, usually /tmp . |
false | [String | Pathname] |
Arguments expected by input_files
Argument | Description | Required | Accepted types |
file | File to be converted | true | [String | Pathname] |
content_type | MIME type of the file. When not defined, it is automatically identified | false | String |
output_path | Generated file output path | false | [String | Pathname] |
output_filename | Generated file name | false | String |
output_extension | Generated file extension | false | String |
output_type | Generated file type | false | String |
Arguments expected by performers
Argument | Description | Required | Accepted types |
converter | Converter to be used | true | Converter Object |
output_path | File output path | false | [String | Pathname] |
output_extension | File output extension | false | String |
output_prefix | Filename output prefix | false | String |
output_sufix | Filename output sufix | false | String |
output_type | File output type | false | String |
By default errors are generated, but it is possible to disable them by setting the raise_exception setting to false.
The errors are
Error | Message |
ConversionFactory::Errors::EmptyOutputExtension | Empty output extension to /path/to/file and ConverterName |
ConversionFactory::Errors::EmptyOutputPath | Empty output path to /path/to/file and ConverterName |
ConversionFactory::Errors::EmptyOutputType | Empty output type to /path/to/file and ConverterName |
ConversionFactory::Errors::InvalidInputType | |
ConversionFactory::Errors::InvalidOutputType | |
ConversionFactory::Errors::NonExistentFile | Non existent file to path /path/to/non_existent_file |
Erros can be accessed through the errors method of the builded instance of ConversionFactory.
The errors method return a list of errors generated during the execution of compilation.
The errors method can return a list of errors messages using the to_s
conversion_factory =
conversion_factory.errors # [#<ConversionFactory::Errors::NonExistentFile: Non existent file to path /path/to/non_existent_file>, #<StandardError: Lorem ipsum...>]
conversion_factory.errors.to_s # ["Non existent file to path /path/to/non_existent_file", "Lorem ipsum..."]
Is possible change default values configurations.
Config | Default value | Accepted types | Description |
output_path | Dir.tmpdir | [String | Pathname] | Output of converted files. It works globally, but will be overwritten if the output_path is defined in the performer or in the input_file |
raise_exception | true | boolean | By default, errors are generated, but it is possible to disable them through this configuration |
# config/initializers/conversion_factory.rb
ConversionFactory.configure do |config|
config.output_path = 'output/path'
config.raise_exception = false
The converter must have at least one method called convert
that receives input, content_type, output_path and output_filename as keyword arguments.
Method | Required | Description |
name | true | Converter name to be displayed in messages |
convert | true | Processes the conversion |
default_output_type | true | Return converter default output type |
default_output_extension | true | Return converter default output extension |
Required keyword arguments to convert
method. The params is passed through the run
method of the Performer
Argument | Accepted types | Description |
input | Pathname | The object is obtained from the file method of the InputFile |
content_type | String | MIME type of the input file |
output_path | String | Generated file output path |
output_extension | String | Generated file extension |
output_type | String | Generated file type |
output_filename | String | Generated file name |
output_prefix | String | Generated filename output prefix |
output_sufix | String | Generated filename output sufix |
Example of a converter
class HTMLToImageConverter
ACCEPTED_INPUT_TYPES = ['text/html'].freeze
ACCEPTED_OUTPUT_TYPES = %w[jpeg png].freeze
def name
def default_output_type
def default_output_extension
def convert(input:, content_type:, output_path:, output_filename:,
output_extension:, output_prefix:, output_sufix:, output_type:)
raise ConversionFactory::Errors::InvalidInputType unless ACCEPTED_INPUT_TYPES.include?(content_type.to_s)
raise ConversionFactory::Errors::InvalidOutputType unless ACCEPTED_OUTPUT_TYPES.include?(output_type.to_s)
kit =
kit = kit.to_img(output_type.to_sym)
kit.to_file("#{output_path}/#{output_prefix}#{output_filename}#{output_sufix}.#{output_extension || output_type}")
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