
A tool for creating and exporting dot patterns for graphic designers, ui/ux and other visual professionals.

Primary LanguageHTML

Durves - a design pattern tool

Durves Cover

Welcome to the Durves repository!

I developed this project as a form of study and saw the possibility to open it up for the community to contribute. The tool is simple: generate a pattern of points through the following properties (so far):

  • Matrix
  • Dot radius
  • Amplitude
  • Waves
  • Frequency

With this set you can generate artwork like the underneath to use in your graphic design projects, ui/ux, or anyone that requires creativity and good assets to generate an innovative idea.

Durves Screenshot

Visit durves.filipeesteves.com

I want you to contribute to this project at will, suggesting new features by issues or by asking questions by dicussões, I see that this project has spectacular scalable margin 🙂

To run the project on your machine, clone this repository on your computer and open the terminal inside the cloned folder by running the following command lines:

To install the packages

$npm install

To run on your machine

$canvas-sketch src/index.js --html=src/index.html --open

Thank you for your interest in Durves ❤️
Filipe Esteves