This implementation is based on wikipedia material:
Clone the repository and open index.html:
$ git clone
$ cd turing-machine
$ open index.html
To use the javascript code in your own projects, all you have to do is initiate turingMachine object and run it:
Look at the code - lib/turingmachine.js -, and you will find methods to add your own decision table (table state symbol):
- add an entry to the state/symbol table:
turingMachine.table.addState(0, 'A', 1, 'R', 'B');
The signature of this method is:
addState(tapeSymbol, currentState, writeSymbol, moveTape, nextState)
- define the states like this:
turingMachine.M.Q = ['A','B','C'];
- define the tape:
turingMachine.tape = [0,1,0,1,0,1];
- put the header in a start position:
turingMachine.head = 0; // position 0 of the tape
- define the initial state register of the Turing machine:
turingMachine.stateRegister = turingMachine.M.q0;