
This repository contains an experimental package for an empirical study conducted to show the benefits and liabilities of documenting pattern instances using an approached based on good practices for software documentation and on liveness principles. The study uses the Design-Pattern-Doc plugin for the IntelliJ IDEA IDE.

  • Task1/- Resources provided to study participants for the first task of the experiment
  • Task2/- Resources provided to study participants for the first task of the experiment
  • Task3/- Resources provided to study participants for the first task of the experiment
  • answers/ - Questionnaire answers given by the participants during the experiment.
  • questionnaire/ - Questionnaire provided to the participants during the experiment.
  • DesignPatternsReferenceCard.pdf - Reference card used as external documentation by the participants during the experiment.
  • - This file
  • data.csv -
  • data.sav -
  • syntax.sps -