PHP Larevel Crud
CRUD API with Laravel 8 and Bref framework to deploy app in any cloud system
this application makes use of the following features of the framework
- controller
- model
- migration
- seeder
- factories
- middleware
- commands
- observer
- validation
- elloquent (orm)
Repository Pattern was also used in this project.
for data storage the relational database MySQL 8
was used
Install and configure
First clone repository
git clone
It's necessary have the docker and docker-compose installed.
now run command below to start a docker-machine and install the dependencies
make build && make install && make migrate
Avaliables make
command | description |
deploy | deploy application on AWS |
undeploy | un-deploy application on AWS |
bash | enter bash mode on app docker-instance |
migrate | perform initials database operations (locally) |
migrate-remote | perform initials database operations (remote) |
build | crete a docker containers |
install | install all dependencies |
test | execute all tests |
stop | stop all docker containers |
Run application and acess this link.
to run tests execute command: make test
Windows user
to execute command make
please see this tutorial, or open Makefile
file and copy-paste commands in your terminal.