URL Shortener built with flask & redis.


Project was done in 3 hours, but it still have improvements to be done

  • Flask setup project
  • Redis integration
  • Allow client to short a URL
  • Same long URL always is shortened to the same unique short URL
  • Shortener algorithm (alphanumeric 8 digits, could be sha512)
  • Allow client to send shortened URL and obtain the original long URL
  • Redirection of the shortened URL to long URL
  • Counting visits mechanism
  • Swagger integration
  • Fix redirect endpoint (not working in Swagger integration)
  • Counting visits mechanism
  • Better frontend with bootstrap UI + LOGO
  • Workflow diagram
  • Tests
  • Deploy heroku

💻 Requirements

Before you start, check if your machine have the redis. If not you can pull redis through docker. You should have python 3.6+ installed.

🚀 Installing & Running

To install the project, follow these steps:

  1. Setup redis locally on docker.
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis

If you have redis locally, this will conflict with. If you already have redis locally in your machine, please move to next step.

  1. Install dependencies
 pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run server

or you can run manually at

The server should be active on "localhost:5000"


They are available at (localhost:5000/apidocs)[localhost:5000/apidocs] as well.

Description Method URL Parameters
Shorten a long URL GET /shorten url
Access a long URL from a short URL if exists GET /{short_id} short_id
Access url details, long url, visits, etc GET /{short_id}/detail short_id

short url generation algorithm

  1. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed when creating the short url, ie 62 characters. ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789")
  2. A pseudorandom number between 0 and 61 (total length) is generated which is used to get a character from the valid characters in step 1.

For example:

Random Character
5 strings[5] = "f"

Such algorithm is repeated 8 times. Resulting in possible (62 * 8) unique shorten URL. Resulting in 496 unique URL coexisting inside the db.



  • If a collision happens, the algorithm will try again. For the purpose of this challenge I have defined the length to be 8 characters, since I was not focused on collisions or performance here, but in a production environment we might use a different approach like a sha512 hash generatin for example.

  • I definitily would add some tests if this would go to production.

  • A health check endpoint would be nice too.

  • In a production environment, probably would add a dockerfile for the application. I did not focused on adding this since it was not a requirement.

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