
Translator of Java subset to Erlang

Primary LanguageANTLR

===== Fjerl

Fjerl is a translator (compiler, code generator) from Featherweight Java approach to ooErlang and consequently Erlang. This project show the idea of relationship between Object-Orientation and Message Passing, strengthening the first thought of OO created by Dr. Alan Kay, mapping Java objects directly to Erlang process.


  • Antlr 4 and ooErlang


###Featherweight Java

class List extends Object {
    List() { super(); }
    List append(List l) {
      return this;

###Compiled to ooErlang



new() -> ok.

append(L) ->

###Generate Erlang native code.


-export([append/2, new/1]).

append(ObjectID, L) -> new(ObjectID).

new(ObjectID) ->  ok.