
Another Death of Art: an evolutionary algorithm art project

Primary LanguagePython

Another Death of Art


  1. Install pre-requisites (see below).
  2. Check out code from here (git).
  3. Copy gimp/apply-painting.scm file to the Gimp plugins directory. (It ought to be ~/.gimp-2.x/scripts on Unix and ~/Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.x/plug-ins on Mac.)
  4. Put gimp/gimpressionist_preset to gimpressionist Preset directory.
  5. Create a config.sh configuration file and fill in your machine's path details. (You can start with config_sample.sh.)


To run, execute this on the command line:

python3 interface.py

This will make the first generation of phenotypes and start the voting process, showing each phenotype. Use y and n to vote, space to skip voting on that particular phenotype. Close by hitting escape.

Rendering of the artwork runs on the background. (It runs the dnarender.sh script and provides it with the DNA in binary string fromat and the output filename as 2 command line arguments.)


  • Python 3
  • PyGame
  • Blender
  • Gimp


http://www.flickr.com/photos/argenberg/86967955/sizes/o/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/md9/2479076483/sizes/o/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/8684894@N06/5798544288/sizes/l/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/brenda-starr/3941615637/sizes/o/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/nilsenpics/7977312553/sizes/l/