
Simple CLI tool that helps you to cleanup your GitLab topics and make them manageable and easier to use

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

GitLab Topics Cleaner

Simple CLI tool that helps you to cleanup your GitLab topics and make them manageable and easier to use. This tool can:

  • identify similar topics, that could be merged into one
  • remove unused topics
  • migrate synonyms / similar topics into their primary form topic

This tools is not aimed to manage available topics, for such case you can use GitLab Terraform Provider.

🚀 How to use

You can use either CLI or provided gcr.io/filipowm/gitlab-topics-cleaner Docker image.

In order to use it, you need to:

  1. Use at least Python 3.6
  2. [optional] Clone this repo (only when using CLI; package in pip will be created in future) and execute pip install -r requirements.txt to install necessary libraries
  3. Create GitLab Private Access Token with api scope
  4. Set up GITLAB_TOKEN environment variable with created token
  5. [optional] Set up GITLAB_URL environment variable with full URL to GitLab (defaults to https://gitlab.com)

Important: applying cleanup operations require admin access token! For dry-run, admin access may not be required.

When using CLI:

Usage: gitlab-cleaner.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --debug  Enable debug mode  [default: False]
  --help   Show this message and exit.

  cleanup       Cleanup unused topics and/or migrate synonyms to their...
  find-similar  Identify similar or mis-spelled topics.

When using Docker image same commands and options/args are available as in CLI.

docker run -e GITLAB_TOKEN=<PRIVATE_ACCESS_TOKEN> gcr.io/filipowm/gitlab-topics-cleaner [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Identifying similar topics

Usage: gitlab-cleaner.py find-similar [OPTIONS]

  Identify similar or mis-spelled topics.

  -o, --output PATH  Path where results will be written as CSV (not yet working)
  --help             Show this message and exit.

Important: This command is safe and does not modify any resources in GitLab.

Example output:

Finding similar / mis-spelled topics...
Found 5 similar topics groups

['not-validated', 'non-validated', 'not validated', 'not-Validate', 'nor-validated']
['backend', 'back-end']
['frontend', 'front-end', 'frontent']
['cicd', 'ci/cd']
['data-pattern', 'datapattern', 'data patterns']

Cleaning up

Important: applying cleanup operations require admin access token! For dry-run, admin access may not be required.

Usage: gitlab-cleaner.py cleanup [OPTIONS]

  Cleanup unused topics and/or migrate synonyms to their primary form.
  Requires additional configuration.

  -a, --apply                  Use to apply changes. Without this flag, no
                               changes will be done on remote GitLab.
                               [default: False]
  -m, --migrate-synonyms PATH  Migrate synonyms to their primary form. Provide
                               path to topics configuration file.
  -r, --remove-unused          Remove unused topics  [default: False]
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

Important: By default not changes are applied and tool works in dry-run mode, unless -a/-apply flag is provided.

You can execute both migration and cleanup operations at once by providing both -r and -m flags.

Migrating topics

Synonymous topics in all projects containing them will be migrated to primary form, and then those synonyms would be removed.

First, you need to define topics and their synonyms in either JSON or YAML files:

- topic: machine-learning
    - 'ml'
    - 'machinelearning'
    "topic": "machine-learning",
    "synonyms": ["ml", "machinelearning"]

Then you can use cleanup command with provided configuration file to perform migration

python gitlab-cleaner.py cleanup -m my_config_file.yaml

Example output (without apply flag):

Running in dry run mode. No changes will be applied. To apply changes, use -a/--apply flag.

Synonymous topics will be migrated to their primary form.
2 synonyms were identified.

Migrating synonym 'ml' to 'machine-learning' in 100 projects
Synonym 'ml' was migrated to 'machine-learning' in all 100 projects
Topic 'ml' would be removed, but in dry-run mode

Migrating synonym 'machinelearning' to 'machine-learning' in 5 projects
Synonym 'machinelearning' was migrated to 'machine-learning' in all 5 projects
Topic 'machinelearning' would be removed, but in dry-run mode

2 synonyms were migrated!

In case you use provided Docker image, you simply can use (assuming in your pwd you have my_config.yaml file with aforementioned topics configuration):

docker run -d -v $(PWD):/config/ filipowm/gitlab-topic-cleaner cleanup -m /config/my_config.yaml -a

Removing unused topics

python gitlab-cleaner.py cleanup -r

To apply changes, add -a/--apply flag:

python gitlab-cleaner.py cleanup -r -a

In case you use provided Docker image, you simply can use:

docker run -d filipowm/gitlab-topic-cleaner cleanup -r -a

Example output (without apply flag):

Running in dry run mode. No changes will be applied. To apply changes, use -a/--apply flag.

Unused topics will be removed
5 topics are not connected with any project and will be removed
Topic 'rancher' would be removed, but in dry-run mode
Topic 'GitLab CI/CD templates' would be removed, but in dry-run mode
Topic 'ml' would be removed, but in dry-run mode
Topic 'docs-content' would be removed, but in dry-run mode
Topic 'argo' would be removed, but in dry-run mode
5 topics would be removed, but running in dry-run mode.


As always - contributions are more than welcome :-) Don't hesitate to drop an issue or send a PR.