
Hi, this is the github repository to test our collaboration workflow

Project folder hierarchy:

  • TEST-projects-1 is the main project folder that contains subfolder for specific sub-projects
  • A packrat folder with defining the shared/common library for both sub-projects
  • the file 0-packrat-initialize.R that has been created by Filippo Ferrario at the beginning to initialize the library

Hi, this is Katie. Trying out some changes...

I think we should remove the division 'BC' vs 'QC'. Lets have a folder 'Telem' and then we can have folders for other types of data (mosaic, environmental etc.) and those folders can be divided by region or site afterwards if we want.

FF: agree but these were just names for an example... ;)

MF: Test to modify the read me!

JS: hello!

FF... it is 14:27

KM: And now 2:56...


I ran the parallel processing example (thank-you Filippo) using my R version and library to test the script without the packrat issues. Everything works great.