Lottery Project Distributed System

@authors: Filippo Casari, Alessandro De Grandi, Timur Taepov

Structure & Commands


The project has been initialised by brownie. (DO NOT run this command)

brownie init

We have several dirs. One of them is "contracts" in which there is our solidity contract. To compile the contract we run:

brownie compile

It creates the dir "build". We need now to add ganache network to work on. Run the following command to to that:

brownie networks add Ethereum local host='' chainid=5776

Note: [port] and [chainid] depend on your ganache configuration. [local] is just a name for your network, you can modify it as you prefer. Now you have to deploy the contract. Just run :

brownie run --network local is a python script within the dir "scripts". If you get an error, probably you do not have a dir "utils" where is trying to save the contract's specification used afterwords by To fix it, just create utils directory by running in the root dir:

mkdir utils

WEb3 & Flask

Flask has been used for the backend of our server whereas Web3 is a Python library for interacting with Ethereum. Both needed to be installed by :

pip install web3 flask

To run the application flask you have to run in "src" dir:

flask run

This will start the server @ip:port specified in "src/". Note: if you get an error, probably is because port (hard-coded) in is not the same as the port in ganache app.

Now open chrome and paste in the navigation bar:

Note: the port can be set in 5000 is written by default in script. Now you have to access to your matamask account. You should import your matamask accounts by inserting the private keys of your ganache blockchain.
To run the tests:

brownie test --network local -v