
Rails API only app with PostgreSQL both Dockerized

Primary LanguageRuby

Mini Seedrs is on Docker !

🎨 For a colorful experience checkout our UI at react-mini-seedrs



Mini Seedrs allows you to easily invest in businesses you believe in. Build your application to connect to our investment platform through our:

  • Campaign API - instant access to investment opportunities
  • Investment API - instant investment initiation

Our products provide an unified interface between our investment platform and third party applications over a common RESTful API.

Make sure to read the installation guide and API documentation below.

Thank you supporting the next generation of businesses !


Get started


Before you start, open your terminal and check whether you have ruby, rails and docker installed on your machine:

$ ruby -v
Rails 2.5.7

$ rails -v
Rails 6.1.1

$ docker -v
Docker version 20.10.2, build 2291f61

We will also be using cURL to make HTTP requests to our API from the terminal, so make sure you have it:

$ curl --version
curl 7.54.0

If you need to install any of these follow the relevant installation guides:

Install and run

To get started with the app, clone the repo and cd into the directory:

git clone https://github.com/filippomassarelli/docker-mini-seedrs.git
cd docker-mini-seedrs

Then build the Docker image:

docker-compose build

Spin up the containers:

docker-compose up

And that's it, you are running Mini Seedrs with Docker !

To make sure, open a new terminal tab and run docker ps to list all containers and their status. You should see both docker-mini-seedrs and postgres images with status Up.

You can now send requests to localhost, on Port 3000.


Our APIs have been developed following a behavior-driven development (BDD) approach using RSpec.

Run the test suite to verify that everything is working correctly:


You should expect 8 tests to pass:

$ rspec

Finished in 0.43225 seconds (files took 2.43 seconds to load)
8 examples, 0 failures

Campaign API


The Mini Seedrs Campaign API is a single interface to access current and past investment opportunities (campaigns) on the Mini Seedrs investment platform.

Available data

The Campaign API allows you to access the following data when asking for multiple campaigns:

  • id (integer): The unique id for the campaign
  • name (string): The name of the business running the campaign
  • image (string): The url path of the logo of the business
  • percentage_raised (float): The percentage raised based on the investment target
  • target_amount (float): The investment target of the campaign
  • sector (string): The industry sector in which the business operates (see list of sectors below)
  • country (string): The country where the business is based
  • investment_multiple (decimal): The investment multiple for the campaign to accepting new investment

Additional data is provided when accessing single campaigns:

  • investment_count (integer): The number of valid investments made for that campaign
  • is_open (boolean): A statement indicating whether the campaign is currently open for investment

Mini Seedrs is sector agnostic, we allow campaigns from 17 sectors on our platform:

['Advertising & Marketing', 'Automotive & Transport', 'Clothing & Accessories', 'Content & Information', 'Data & Analytics', 'Energy', 'Entertainment', 'Fintech', 'Food & Beverage', 'Games', 'Healthcare', 'Home & Personal', 'Programming & Security', 'Property', 'Recruitment & Procurement', 'SaaS/PaaS', 'Travel, Leisure & Sport']


API endpoint

The local server is set to run on Port 3000 by default, and the api is versioned. The current version is v1 which results in the base URL for all requests:


HTTP verbs

The Campaign API v1 supports only the READ functionality:

Verb Description
GET Retrieve one or multiple resources


Path parameters

V1 of the Campaign API allows you to retrieve a specific campaign, and perform a few predetermined filtering and sorting actions using path parameters to be added to the base URL.

Path Description
/{campaign_id} Retrieve single campaign of specified id
/open Retrieve only campaigns that are open for investment
/target_desc Sort all campaigns by their target amount in descending order
/target_asc Sort all campaigns by their target amount in ascending order
/open_and_target_desc Sort open campaigns by their target amount in descending order
/open_and_target_asc Sort open campaigns by their target amount in ascending order
Query parameters

For greater control, version 1 also supports query paramenters to filter all campaigns above or below a specified target amount, and for specific sectors.

Query Description
?target_above={target_amount} Retrieve campaigns with targets above the specified amount
?target_below={target_amount} Retrieve campaigns with targets below the specified amount
?sector={sector} Retrieve campaigns only for the specified sector (see sector list in the Available data section)

Example request

We can use cURL to request all campaigns:

curl http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns

Or only the campaign with id of 5:

curl http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns/5

If we want to filter out campaigns that are closed and sort the results in descending order according to their campaign's investment target:

curl http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns/open_and_target_desc

And if we are only interested in campaigns that are looking for more than £1.2 millions:

curl http://localhost:3000/api/v1/campaigns?target_above=1200000



When requesting multiple campaigns, a successful response would be similar to:

  "image":"https://pigment.github.io/fake-logos/logos/medium/color/2.png","percentage_raised":"215.65","target_amount":922139.12,"sector":"Transportation / Trucking / Railroad",
  "sector":"Executive Office",

Whereas for a single campaign you should expect:

  "id": 5,
  "name": "Friesen, Mills and Wyman",
  "image": "https://pigment.github.io/fake-logos/logos/medium/color/7.png",
  "percentage_raised": "131.25",
  "investment_count": 2,
  "target_amount": 293319.09,
  "sector": "Performing Arts",
  "country": "Panama",
  "investment_multiple": "7.43",
  "is_open": true


Bad requests will raise errors. These are most commonly due to either a typo in the base url, or an invalid campaign id for individual resource requests.

In case of a typo you can expect:

"{status":404,"error":"Not Found","exception":"#\u003cActionController::RoutingError: No route matches ...

Wheras in case of an invalid campaign id:

{"status":404,"error":"Not Found","exception":"#\u003cActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn't find Campaign with 'id'= ...

Investment API


The Mini Seedrs Investment API brings the investment functionality to our platform. Using the API, you can execute investments to any campaign that is open for investment on our platform.

Investment conditions

In order to successfully invest in a campaign through our Investment API, make sure to satify all of the following conditions in your request:

  • Specify a valid campaign_id
  • Invest in GBP (British Pounds) only
  • Ensure the campaign is open for investment
  • Invest an amount that is a multiple of the campaign's investment multiple
  • The amount you invest needs to be greater than zero ! 🤦‍♂️

If one or more of the above conditions is not respected, your investment will be rejected and an appropriate ERROR message returned (see section 3.4.2 Error for more information).


API endpoint

The Investment API is also in its version 1, resulting in the base URL:


HTTP verbs

The Investment API v1 only supports the CREATE functionality:

Verb Description
POST Make an investment into a campaign


The POST request needs a header of Content-Type: application/json and the following data passed in the body of the request:

Field Required Description
user_name No The name of the investor is optional in this API version
investment_amount Yes The amount to be invested is required for a successful request
currency Yes The currency of investment needs to be specified
campaign_id Yes To invest in a campaign, its id needs to be provided

Example request

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"user_name":"Filippo Massarelli", "investment_amount": 1000, "currency":"GBP", "campaign_id":5}' http://localhost:3000/api/v1/investments



If your request is successful you will receive a 201 Created status code back as an HTTP response.

The new investment is saved in the database and returned in the response:

 "status":"SUCCESS 201",
 "message":"Valid investment: Thank you for supporting the wonderful!",
   "user_name":"Filippo Massarelli",

✏️ Note that all valid investments are saved and their investment amounts contribute to their campaign's percentage raised.


If your investment is invalid you will receive one of the 4XX Client Error codes below, explaining the reason why.

HTTP Status Code Description
403 Forbidden The investment amount did not respect the campaign's investment multiple. For reference, the investment multiple of the campaign is returned in the error message
404 Not Found A campaign with the specified id does not exist
406 Not Acceptable The investment was rejected due to one of 3 reasons: (1) the investment currency was not GBP, (2) the investment amount was not greater than zero or (3) the campaign was no longer open. This is specified in the error message
422 Unprocessable Entity The server was unable to process the contained instructions for reasons other than the above. The error appearing in the server is passed in the response


Want to contribute? Great!

To fix a bug or enhance an existing code, follow these steps:

  • Fork the repo
  • Create a new branch (git checkout -b improve-feature)
  • Make your changes
  • Commit with a descriptive message (git commit -m 'description')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin improve-feature)
  • Create a Pull Request

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License MIT

with love ❤️ Filippo Massarelli