
Simple NFS implementation in C++

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This is Simple NFS implementation using gRPC for RPC communication between server and client.


  1. gRPC currently to install gRPC for C++, you need to build from source.
  2. Protocol Buffers v3 will be installed automatically while building gRPC.


You need to set environment variable GRPC_SOURCE to point to the directory with grpc source built above.

user:~$ export GRPC_SOURCE=~/grpc/

Build the project by running make in the main directory. If something goes wrong try make clean and then make.

user:~/SushiNFS$ make


Both server and client executables will be present in /bin directory.

  • To run server
    user:~/SushiNFS/bin$ ./HelloServer
  • To run client
    user:~/SushiNFS/bin$ ./HelloClient