
Submission for Kenguruji team for Arnes Hackathon 2024

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Flood Prediction Model by Kenguruji

Flood prediction model by Kenguruji team for Arnes Hackathon 2024.


This repository contains water level and flood prediction models, made by Kenguruji team for Arnes Hackathon 2024.


The code and data are organized into the following branches:

  • wip-map: Contains initial work for displaying hydrological and meteorological stations from ARSO.
  • wip-database: Contains initial work for database for storing measurements and predictions.
  • wip-heightmap: Contains code for processing heightpoints and generating terrain heightmap.
  • wip-floodmap: Contains code for flooding map based on river water levels and heightmap.
  • wip-models: Contains code for model development, testing and analysis.

Website is stored in a separate repository: https://github.com/p1rko/SpletnaStranPoplave


All used datasets are available in Zenodo repositories:

All developed models are in Zenodo repositories: