
Rust data structure and utilities for (de)serialization and storage of Web Application Manifests

Primary LanguageRustOtherNOASSERTION

Web Application Manifest for Rust

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Rust data structure and utilities for (de)serialization and storage of Web Application Manifests.


This crate contains a Serde-based data structure for parsing, writing and storing Web Application Manifests. It complies with the W3C specification and schema as much as possible and provides easy access and type conversion for all official manifest fields. Because it uses Serde, it supports much more than just JSON, so it can also be stored in more efficient formats after being retrieved from the website.


Due to reliance on some crates currently not published on Crates.io, this crate can also not be published on Crates.io. You will need to include it through the Git repository. When required crates are published on Crates.io, this crate will also be published.


You will need to install the crate from a Git repository. You will also need to install serde_json crate for parsing JSON manifests, and optionally other Serde-based crates for other storage formats.

Add this to your Cargo.toml:

web_app_manifest = { git = "https://github.com/filips123/WebAppManifestRS" }
serde_json = "1.0"

Note: It is highly recommended to also specify rev and/or use Cargo.lock to prevent breaking your project on backwards-incompatible changes.



To parse a manifest from JSON, use any serde_json::from_ function, depending on your data source. For example, to parse a manifest from a string, use serde_json::from_str:

use web_app_manifest::WebAppManifest;

let json = r#"{
    "start_url": "/",
    "scope": "/",
    "name": "Example App",
    "short_name": "Example",
    "display": "standalone",
    "orientation": "portrait"

let manifest: WebAppManifest = serde_json::from_str(json)?;

Because URLs can be relative and serde_json does not know how to resolve them, you will also need to call the process method and pas the document and manifest URLs to resolve all relative URLs in the manifest and perform the origin and scope validation:

use url::Url;

let document_url = Url::parse("https://example.com/index.html")?;
let manifest_url = Url::parse("https://example.com/site.webmanifest")?;

manifest.process(&document_url, &manifest_url)?;

You will now have the access to all manifest fields in the correct types:

use web_app_manifest::types::{Display, Orientation};

assert_eq!(manifest.name, Some("Example App".to_string()));
assert_eq!(manifest.short_name, Some("Example".to_string()));
assert_eq!(manifest.display, Display::Standalone);
assert_eq!(manifest.orientation, Orientation::Portrait);


To create a new manifest, simply construct the struct:

use std::str::FromStr;

use web_app_manifest::WebAppManifest;
use web_app_manifest::types::Url;
use web_app_manifest::resources::IconResource;

let manifest = WebAppManifest {
    name: Some("Example App".to_string()),
    short_name: Some("Example".to_string()),

    start_url: Url::from_str("https://example.com/app/index.html")?,
    scope: Url::from_str("https://example.com/app")?,

    background_color: Some(csscolorparser::parse("rgb(100%,0%,0%)")?),
    theme_color: Some(csscolorparser::parse("aliceblue")?),

    icons: vec![IconResource {
        src: Url::from_str("/resources/icon.png")?,


Important: Always use ..Default::default() when constructing the manifest or its other structs. Adding new public fields will not be considered as a major change, so your code could break without it.

Processing the manifest is not necessary, because it will be processed when parsing by this crate or the browser in any case.

Then use any Serde-based function, such as serde_json::to_string, to serialize it:

let json = serde_json::to_string(&manifest)?;
println!("{}", json);


See docs of structs and fields for more documentation. You can also check the integration tests for usage examples.

Optional Features

  • schemars - Implements JsonSchema for manifest types.


This crate is currently in the alpha stage, expect backwards-incompatible changes. Until it is published to Crates.io, there will be no Git tags or official releases. Once it is ready to be published to Crates.io, it will use a proper versioning scheme (SemVer).

Note: Adding new public struct fields or enum variants, if required by the W3C specification updates, will not be considered as a major change. Your code should always be using ..Default::default() when constructing the manifest or its other structs.


Any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this repository shall be dual-licensed under the MIT License and Apache License 2.0, without any additional terms or conditions.

When changing the README file, edit the documentation in src/lib.rs instead, and use cargo-readme to generate a README file.

Please also make sure that your code is properly linted and formatted using clippy and rustfmt.


This library is licensed under the MIT License or Apache License 2.0, at your opinion. See the LICENSE file for more details.

The documentation for manifest fields and enum variants is heavily based on the documentation by MDN Web Docs and the W3C and WHATWG specifications, licensed under the following licenses:

Note: The documentation and library are not affiliated with MDN or W3C in any way. Any content in this documentation may not be the correct or latest W3C specification. Read the official W3C specification for the accurate data.