
commits.top REST API

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Commits.top API

An API to get rankings of the most active GitHub contributors by country. Use it to show your rank to other people, or just showoff, how active people from your country / any other are!

Based on data from lauripiispanen/most-active-github-users-counter

For the list of all the locations, see https://github.com/lauripiispanen/github-top/tree/master/_data/locations

To list the locations in the API, use the /locations endpoint.

HTTP Endpoint

GET: https://commiters.now.sh/rank/country

JavaScript implementation

Display how active you are on your website! (replace czech_republic with your country and me.username with your username!)

function getRank() {
  const url = "https://commiters.now.sh/rank/czech_republic";

    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((res) => {
      for (const user of res.users.users) {
        if (user.login === me.username) {
            user.rank === 1 ? "st" : user.rank === 2 ? "nd" : "th"