ASP.NET Web API CacheOutput - library to allow you to cache the output of ApiControllers
Pinned issues
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📢 This repo is no longer maintained 📢
#270 opened by filipw - 0
Client-cached WebAPI response doesn't update when changing users, using PerUserCacheKeyGenerator
#269 opened by nomorechickennuggets - 0
Problem with registrations
#268 opened by dmalanij - 0
Fancy a tech bump?
#267 opened by dmalanij - 1
Invalidate cache outside request context.
#261 opened by alkampfergit - 1
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Can i configure options in the web.config
#235 opened by lesenro - 1
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Cache not working after deploy to server
#262 opened by GithubMaastricht - 1
Nuget hasn't been updated in a while
#259 opened by ammarnaqvi - 0
Four cache keys on one request
#260 opened by cblaze22 - 0
Invalidate cache for certain query strings
#258 opened by cblaze22 - 5
Question: Any plans to support ASP.NET Core?
#217 opened by Iamcerba - 0
set up a new CI pipeline
#251 opened by filipw - 0
Add method not populated
#250 opened by davidhendrickmb - 2
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#249 opened by avinash1422 - 1
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please sign assembly
#242 opened by slavapvf - 0
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Support for Last-Modified header on responses
#201 opened by dmalanij - 0
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Clearing Cache From Regular ASP.NET MVC Controller
#206 opened by cblaze22 - 2
couldn't Invalidate Cache based on parameters
#218 opened by magarbikram - 1
Force ActionMethod to re-cache
#239 opened by dungtrandk - 0
Problem publishing
#238 opened by Wonovan - 2
New release nuget package with fixes
#234 opened by mribichich - 1
Why CacheTimeQuery is internal?
#228 opened by JobaDiniz - 0
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Dynamically determine cache duration
#231 opened by g2petter - 0
Provide extensible MakeBaseKey
#230 opened by JobaDiniz - 0
Cache not called when query string changes
#229 opened by rakeshkhoodeeram - 0
[DefaultCacheKey] Handle complex type better
#227 opened by JobaDiniz - 3
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image/jpeg responses cached as application/json
#219 opened by petermorlion - 3
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InvalidateCacheOutput attribute on POST operations invalidates all cache entries instead of just the updated ones
#214 opened by johnib - 3
Cache Only on server side until a certain time
#212 opened by remster85 - 0
Cache invalidation by TTL invalidates all query-strings-entries when the first one expires
#215 opened by johnib - 1
dynamicCompressionBeforeCache support?
#213 opened by gunnim - 0
IApiOutputCache.Add expiration parameter type is inconsistent and causing wrong absolute expiration times
#210 opened by johnib - 1
Strathweb.CacheOutput aspnet core support plan?
#209 opened by onestudy - 0
Ignore Certain Querystrings
#204 opened by cblaze22 - 1
Why to call IApiOutputCache:Get method 4 times?
#198 opened by mchudinov - 2