
Proof-of-concept of getting offline access to various Google API scopes for a serverless Firebase project.

Primary LanguageHTML


Proof-of-concept of getting offline access to various Google API scopes for a serverless Firebase project.

How to set up

You will need to have created a Firebase account and project, installed the Firebase CLI and logged in from the command line.

  • Clone the project and change into the project directory
  • Edit the .firebaserc file to point the default project to your Firebase project.
  • This demo uses anonymous authentication to capture users, so you'll have to enable that for your project (from the Firebase console). Alternatively, you can change to and enable whatever sign-in you want.
  • You will need to obtain your Google project's credentials and register your OAuth callback.
    • Go to your Google console.

    • Make sure your Firebase project is the current selected project.

    • Click on Enable APIs and Services, search for and enable the Calendar API.

    • From the APIs and Services side menu, navigate to the Credentials page.

    • Add the server secret key to your app configuration:

      firebase functions:config:set gauth.server_api_key=YOUR_SERVER_API_KEY
    • Under the OAuth 2.0 client IDs section, click on the web client that was auto created by Google.

    • Add the client ID and secret at the top of the page to your configuration with these commands:

      firebase functions:config:set gauth.client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID
      firebase functions:config:set gauth.client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
    • On the Google Developers' Console page, go to the Authorized Redirect URIs section and add https://<PROJECT_ID>.firebaseapp.com/google-oauth2-callback.

      • If you have your own domain connected to the project, don't forget to add https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/google-oauth2-callback as well.
    • Save your changes

      • Optionally, you can go to the OAuth consent screen tab to customize the authorization screen that will be presented to users
    • From the command line, run firebase deploy to push the app live

That's it! :)

How to use

  • Navigate to your hosted project URL, sign in (if necessary) and grant Google permissions
  • If you check your Firebase database, you should see a __tokens__ ref that has a credentials object for your user ID (protected from non-admin read/write access)
  • You can test the offline access by visiting https://<YOUR_PROJECT_DOMAIN>/list-events?userID=<A_USER_ID>. A list of the user's calendar events for the coming week should be returned as a JSON if they have granted access previously. Also, visiting https://<YOUR_PROJECT_DOMAIN>/add-event?userID=<A_USER_ID> will add an event at a random time in the upcoming week to the user's calendar.


Check out the react-app branch for a more robust client implemented in React.

I might be turning this into a full-fledged library, so stay tuned!