
A beast with many heads. Keep one or more PhoneGap app assets "in the cloud" on build.phonegap.com, and use this shell to store different apps and keep each app up-to-date with the latest assets.

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A beast with many heads. Keep one or more PhoneGap app assets "in the cloud" on build.phonegap.com, and use this shell to store different apps and keep each app up-to-date with the latest assets.

Getting Started

  1. Edit the CALLBACK_ANDROID and other platform paths at the top of the makefile.
  2. Run make <platform> to generate the PhoneGap/Callback/Cordova project under dist/<platform>.
  3. cd dist/<platform> and then run the platform-specific tools to debug/test/deploy/sign/etc.

iOS' Special Needs

  1. Include libz.dylib in your project

    • Xcode 4
      1. Select your target
      2. Select Build Phases tab
      3. Expand Link Binary with Libraries
      4. Press + at the bottom
      5. Search and add libz.dylib (expand collapsed directories)
      6. (Optional) Move into the "Frameworks" group
  2. In PhoneGap.plist, under "Plugins", add these new entries:

    1. For the key, add "AppLoader", and for the value, add "AppLoader"
    2. For the key, add "com.nitobi.BinaryDownloader", and for the value, add "BinaryDownloader"
    3. For the key, add "com.nitobi.ZipUtil", and for the value, add "ZipUtil"
  3. For PhoneGap 1.1, In PhoneGap.plist, under "ExternalHosts", add these new entries:

    • build.phonegap.com
    • s3.amazonaws.com
    • (any other hosts that your downloaded app needs to connect to - of course you need to know this in advance - or you can use "*" to allow everything)


  • Easier to manage application updates; a poor man's TestFlight.
  • Theoretically more secure. However: be warned I don't know shit about security.
