This is an example application that uses single-spa-html that is enhanced with plain JavaScript.
This example is modeled after a simple usecase: obtaining cookie consent from your users. The markup is relatively simple, the interactions don't do much, but some JavaScript is required to get it to work. This example highlights the following features:
- using single-spa-html along with plain JavaScript
- html template is extracted out of the js file
- styles are included
- transitions in and out
is commented to show how and why the code is written the way it is. To reset the UI after having "accepted", delete the cookie-consent
localStorage value using your browser's devtools.
git clone
yarn install
yarn start
- navigate to http://localhost:8080/
standalone-single-spa-webpack-plugin enables local development using a locally served web page.
yarn start
Include this module's entry in your import map
{ imports: { ... // other imports "@example/cookie-consent": "http://localhost:8080/index.js" } }
- the webpack config outputs the app entry url for a better DX
Register as a single-spa application in your root config
registerApplication({ name: "@example/cookie-consent", app: () => System.import("@example/cookie-consent"), activeWhen: ["/"], });