
Configure your applications comfortably

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

comfy npm version Circle CI

Configure your applications comfortably, using environment variables and a simple DSL.

var comfy = require("comfy");

// Define your configuration:

var config = comfy.build(function(c) {
  // Required properties:

  // Optional properties with defaults:
  c.optional("sky_color", "blue");

  // Aliased property names:
  c.required("important_api_key", { alias: "some_service_key" });

  // More complicated syntax if you're running low on your
  // LOC targets for this week:
  c.property("synergy", {
    transform: function (value) {
      return "Dynamically procrastinate B2C users " + value;

// Use it:

// process.env.SKY_COLOR === "red"
console.log(config.skyColor); // => "red"

// If snake_case is your thing, you can also stick to that:
console.log(config.sky_color); // => "red"

// Name aliases work too:
// process.env.IMPORTANT_API_KEY === "banana"
console.log(config.someServiceKey); // => banana


npm install --save comfy


comfy was developed by Filipe Dobreira, on @gabrielecirulli's fairly comfortable couch. Contributions (to the code, not the couch thing) are welcome!