
Barebones client for the Elite Dangerous commodity information database

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Barebones client for Elite Dangerous commodity information, through eddb.io. No official API is provided, so this library relies partially on scraping.

Available methods:

By example:

import mogul from 'mogul'

async function myMethod () {
  const client = mogul.createClient()

  // Find details for a system:
  const system = await client.findSystemByName('Tiolce')
  // Check if we got a hit
  if (system.match) {
    // Get a list of all commodities:
    const commodities = await client.getCommodities()

    // Or filter the list to find a commodity by name:
    const ltd = await client.getCommodities('Low Temperature Diamonds')

    // Find the stations close to Tiolce buying Low Temperature Diamonds
    const commodityId = ltd.id
    const systemId = system.match.id

    const closest = await client.findClosestSystemToSell(ltd.id, system.match.id)

    // => Results in something like: 
    // [
    //   {
    //     station: { id: 48885, name: 'Cortes Base', isPlanetary: true },
    //     system: { id: 3318, name: "Ch'iang Fei" },
    //     price: 437,
    //     amount: 15,
    //     padSize: 'L',
    //     lastUpdate: 2019-01-19T18:58:10.615Z,
    //     stationDistance: {
    //       distance: 46,
    //       unit: 'ls',
    //       raw: '46 ls'
    //     },
    //     systemDistance: {
    //       distance: 92,
    //       unit: 'ly',
    //       raw: '92 ly'
    //     }
    //   },
    //   ...
    // ]

    // You can also look for the top place to sell a commodity:
    const bestSell = await client.findTopSystemToSell(ltd.id)

  } else {
    throw new Error('Could not find a system with that name')