
Fedora CoreOS ignition config


Fedora CoreOS ignition config


fcct -ps ignition.yaml -o fcc.ign
# brew install butane
# butane -ps ignition.yaml -o fcc.ign
sudo coreos-installer install </dev/devicename> --ignition-url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fimreal/fcc/main/fcc.ign
# sudo coreos-installer install </dev/devicename> --ignition-url https://cfdown.2fw.top/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fimreal/fcc/main/fcc.ign

Online fcct tool

You can use fcct, the Fedora CoreOS Configuration Transpiler in order to create Ignition JSON files for installing CoreOS from YAML.

Instead of installing fcct, you can use

Click here to go to FCCT Online