
Tools that were used during the development of the Apache Shiro 1 Hashcat module

Primary LanguageC

Shiro1 Tools

This repository contains two useful tools that were used when creating the Apache Shiro 1 Hashcat module:

  • shiro-crack

    • This is a standalone C application which uses OpenSSL to crack the Apache Shiro 1 hashing implementation
  • shiro-hash-generator

    • This is a Java application which uses the official Apache Shiro 1 libraries to generate hashes for testing

A blog was created for the creation of the Hashcat module and is available here.

Docker Image

Both of the tools mentioned above are already built and exist inside of the shiro1buntu-latest.tar exported Docker image file, which can be downloaded under the Releases page. To import the image, run the following command below:

docker load -i <path_to_tar_file>



./a.out <password_file> <shiro_hash>


java -jar <path-to-jar> <string-to-hash> <iterations>


A script to automate exploiting CVE-2024-4956, a path traversal vulnerability in Sonatype Repository 3 allowing unauthenticated attackers to read system files is available here. Sonatype Repository 3 uses the Apache Shiro 1 hashing algorithm at the time of writing and stores user hashes inside of OrientDB .pcl files. A sample of 155 known OrientDB .pcl existing file paths are included in the repository.


A script for automating the extraction of Apache Shiro 1 hashes from OrientDB .pcl files is available here for extracting/gathering hashes to use with the Hashcat module.


This program is intended for legitimate and authorized purposes only. The author holds no responsibility or liability for misuse of this project.