
EPITECH Project : EpyToDo, a Database for to-do lists | written in nodejs/expressjs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

EPITECH Project : EpyToDo, a web Todo app. You have to create a database scheme with mySQL, a usable web server, and customize said web server with HTML. The database scheme must be written through a terminal.

Used software/utilities : ExpressJS, nodejs, nodemon, popSQL, mySQL Workbench, WebStorm, DataGrip, Postman.

Mark : 100

!IMPORTANT NOTE! This server is currently not running and will stay offline.


You may access the server by running :

MacOS / Linux : DEBUG=myapp:* npm start

Windows : set DEBUG=myapp:* & npm start

in any web browser, write http://localhost:3306/ to access the server.

to connect through the terminal, write : $ mysql -u "username" -p "password"