
This is a website that help user to navigate to the different news website,and know the news around the world.

Primary LanguagePython

News Highlights

An application that allows users to navigate through diferrent news website and see the news around the world

Created by finaclemence15




News Highlight is a web application that helps busy people to catch up on the latest news.The website has the home page, that has a list of all sources of news sorted in categories. A user will have to click on Read Article on a specific source to view artciles. When the user gets to the article he/she can be able to get on the live site of that particular article.

User Specifications

  1. As a user, I would like to see various news sources on the homepage of the application.
  2. As a user, I would also want to select a news source and see all news articles from the selected news source in the application.
  3. As a user, I would want to see the image, description and the time a news article was created.
  4. As a user, I would want to click on an article and read the full article on the source website.


  • List various news sources.
  • List articles from the selected news source.
  • Redirect user to the actual article.
  • Categorize news sources.
  • Search for articles.
  • Use flask sessions to save a users article snippet.
  • Use browser cookies to store favourite news sources.


Clone the Repository using command below:

git clone https://github.com/finaclemence15/newsHighlights

Run cd NewsHighlights in the terminal.

Running Tests

python3.6 manage.py test

Running the web app in development

python3.6 manage.py server

Open the app on your browser, by default on

Technologies Used

  • Python3.6
  • flask
  • Git Hub
  • Terminal

Support and contact details

  • Phone number:0728947093


Copyright (c) All right reserved 2019