- 9
Error when running swift-algorithmsPackageTests.xctest: "unknown reloc type 16"
#175 opened by marcprux - 1
- 1
- 1
Some flags like `-fPIC` may not be passed to C/C++ code by default anymore with the Swift 6 SDK bundle
#195 opened by finagolfin - 1
Linking a dynamic library product with --static-swift-stdlib fails due to missing DispatchStubs
#194 opened by ephemer - 2
Make sure C++ Interop works when cross-compiling with the new Swift 6 SDK bundle
#183 opened by finagolfin - 4
Logging overlay
#192 opened by lhoward - 5
Place Swift runtime libraries in a separate directory than the buildtime libraries in the SDK bundle
#191 opened by marcprux - 2
- 2
GitHub build action
#127 opened by lorenalexm - 1
Cannot build dynamic library with SDK bundle on macOS: unableToFind(tool: "swift-autolink-extract")
#184 opened by marcprux - 4
- 4
Swift test failing on macOS with Swift 6.0 toolchain
#173 opened by marcprux - 1
Add support for Testing module
#174 opened by marcprux - 2
Sporadic CI error when building Swift Argument Parser: error: 'semaphore.h' file not found
#169 opened by marcprux - 0
- 13
How to use windows
#148 opened by aadog - 33
Is this working with M1 computers?
#124 opened by fjtrujy - 18
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_STOP_70" referenced by.... /"...
#53 opened by johnburkey - 6
Compile fail when enable cxx-interop
#118 opened by woxiang04 - 3
Any chance you get do a release for 5.9?
#117 opened by johnburkey - 2
Github Action?
#111 opened by o-nnerb - 3
- 3
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_STOP_72" referenced by "/data/app/com.example.javaswift-90fyPKGjL7uwdUwOrcdYNA==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a/"...
#101 opened by XiyaoXirui - 6
Could you make a new release for Swift 5.7.1 ?
#80 opened by johnburkey - 9
- 2
- 4
How to build Package.swift
#71 opened by kmitj - 8
How to link `libc++_shared` statically?
#65 opened by ferologics - 2
- 1
Could we chat sometime?
#57 opened by johnburkey - 4
Post a new release matching latest Xcode?
#51 opened by johnburkey - 3
- 1
- 3
my destination.json (needed a couple things)
#52 opened by johnburkey - 2
library "" not found
#54 opened by johnburkey - 2
Not sure what this is.
#34 opened by CdubU0420 - 3
5.6 support ?
#32 opened by SimpleApp - 1
2:47 PM built by CN=FoxyProxy LLC,OU=Mobile Development,O=FoxyProxy LLC,L=New York,ST=NY,C=US 1.3 running on motorola Moto Z (2) (msm8998), Android 8.0.0 (OCXS27.109-47-29) API 26, ABI arm64-v8a, (motorola/nash_att/nash:8.0.0/OCXS27.109-47-29/43:user/release-keys)
#33 opened by CdubU0420 - 8
- 6
Where is “” supposed to be?
#23 opened by SDGGiesbrecht - 28
macOS - module compiled with Swift 5.3.1 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.3 compiler :0
#1 opened by vgorloff