Automatic version management and state recovery solution for any application agnostic to language or architecture
- 0
Fix release branch policy on ORM
#152 opened by YuvalAharoniFabric - 1
- 1
version backends: add sed like option
#147 opened by progovoy - 1
Add Support for Conventional Commits for auto solving "release mode" and support "rc" branches
#121 opened by progovoy - 0
add --base option to vmn show
#150 opened by eitanzuk - 1
Remove the dot before rcn in cone.yaml's template doesn't actually affect the tag
#149 opened by emikitas - 0
conf: add conf migrate option
#146 opened by progovoy - 0
- 1
Feature requests
#138 opened by ronshilo - 1
conf: add option for a release_branch
#142 opened by progovoy - 0
- 2
Version conflict
#139 opened by ronshilo - 0
- 0
goto: add -v latest support
#136 opened by progovoy - 0
mutiple remotes: support a remote to choose
#135 opened by progovoy - 0
stamp: wrong root app version
#93 opened by akavbathen - 2
Add option for using env vars for push credentials
#105 opened by progovoy - 1
Tihnk about integrating poetry
#95 opened by progovoy - 1
goto: when using without version. Use the deps configured in the conf file and clone if does not exist
#107 opened by progovoy - 1
Gen: custom keys and os env
#127 opened by progovoy - 0
traceback if stamp in a repo with no origin
#132 opened by ronshilo - 0
Permission denied (13)' error
#131 opened by ronshilo - 0
Custom path for log
#126 opened by progovoy - 0
idea: implement option to configure specific files or dirs that changes in them require a new version
#122 opened by progovoy - 0
Test support for git worktrees and git shallow repos
#120 opened by progovoy - 0
root apps: support for micro services stamping for micro services that are located in other repos
#119 opened by progovoy - 0
Recursive deps on other vmn apps
#118 opened by progovoy - 0
Generic file backedns: using Jinja2 templating
#117 opened by progovoy - 0
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Add log file for debugging purposes inside .vmn dir
#109 opened by progovoy - 0
Widen support for shallow repositories
#116 opened by progovoy - 0
Add support for git worktrees
#114 opened by progovoy - 0
Error on init in an empty directory
#112 opened by allingeek - 0
Undocumented dependency on Git
#111 opened by allingeek - 0
goto: when dirty fails with "no such app" message instead of failing without it
#108 opened by progovoy - 0
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- 0
Add support for generic injection to file
#96 opened by progovoy - 0
Custom version injection
#97 opened by progovoy - 1
show: wrong "dirty" message on init-app
#92 opened by akavbathen - 0
refactor: change _version to be version
#73 opened by progovoy - 1
add option for dry run
#74 opened by progovoy - 0
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add --pull to goto
#88 opened by progovoy - 0
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search for max relevant octane when stamping
#91 opened by progovoy - 1
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alert on issues with deps configuration
#82 opened by progovoy - 0
display stamping date in vmn show --verbose
#78 opened by progovoy - 0
conf: add default release mode for stamping
#77 opened by progovoy