
Bash completion for Laravel 5 artisan

Primary LanguagePHP

Updated for Laravel 5 Artisan CLI!

Original project https://github.com/janka/artisanBashCompletion


This adds bash completion for Laravel 4s artisan CLI.

  • Put "listForBash.php" in app/Console/Commands/ and register it in app/Console/Commands/Kernel.php under $commands as 'App\Console\Commands\listForBash',

  • Make artisan executable with chmod +x artisan

  • Create an alias for the php artisan command with the likes of echo 'alias artisan="php artisan"' >> .bash_profile

  • Put the file "artisan" in /etc/bash_completion.d/ and remember to source it with . /etc/bash_completion.d/artisan (or source every completion script with . /etc/bash_completion) if it does not happen already on your system.

Now use artisan and start tabbing away...

Tested on Ubuntu and php 5.6

Have fun...